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"We (Spirit Guides) have your back".  I woke to hear.  That's great, I said. What do I do with all this? Answer: "Bring People Together" The One replied.



We are multi-dimensional beings, and have lost our ability to understand our natural world or the supernatural world that surounds us.  I am here as Guardian Ambassador to help you understand who you really are and provide insight and clarity for your future development and daily living.



Dawn Drew Powerful Insightful READER:


Gifted by four Spirit Masters who appeared from the other side over a decade ago, I was given the knowledge of The Great Mayan Medicine Wheel and clear confirmation I am to go forth as a Spiritual Guide, "A Seer".  The tool of The Great Mayan Medicine Wheel is proven to be a map of the workings of the human energy fields, helping those interested to see for themselves what's going on in the operational background of the running of their energy, what is running their lives and what's coming down the road (on its way in the near future). Also, it helps clarify what's blocking you or holding you back at this point in time.  


The Great Mayan Medicine Wheel is also various piecemeal focus workshops inspiring and empowering others how to clear and reboot their energy fields.  The understanding of human cells in the making, the holding of energy memory and the human heartbeat by the Masters of the Seven Rays of Light, and biology of human energy connections to the planets.  


So much awesomeness operating our humanness - I facilitate teachings of our human operational systems and how to easily switch energy fields from stuck to flowing energy fields by positive power fields.



WORKSHOPS & INSPIRATIONAL TALKS: (Toastmaster & Professional Speaker)


  1. Intro: The Great Mayan Medicine Wheel  (Your connection to all that is and will be, the importance of walking as a human being now in time.)

  2. The Great Mayan Medicine Wheel Intensive  (A 16 hour intensive, broken into 2 days at eight hours per day or 8 weeks of two hour workshops.  Focused on indepth teachings as stated on 'Mayan Medicine Wheel' page.)

  3. The Human Energy Formula  (Moving Energy Fields. The importance of the great power of one).

  4. Numerology 101 (Prelude to Astrology on specific energetic operations about you as an individual.) - Learn Gifts, Strengths, Lessons and Challenges You Came In With, Your Power Tools, Compatibilities and NON-Compatibilities and WHY.

  5. Bio-System Recalibration  (BS Clearing/Removal) - Shifting Energy Fields (Literally within minutes..) Shifts That Last!

  6. Crystalline Labyrinth Building Inside or Outdoors. (Clearing and calibrating your sacred geometry / carbon base system)

  7. On-Line live and recorded workshops in creation.

  8. Guided Meditations for work groups, gatherings and events.





Personal Sessions: Gifted through the four Great Spirit Masters, The Mayan Medicine Wheel and Ancient Wisdom I offer Bio-System Recalibration, a process of shifting human energy fields in less than 2 minutes to elevated lasting states (Better known as BS Removal - Baggage Release)





Often it takes someone with outside insight to show decision makers possibilities or improvements. ALSO, Inspiring employees to enjoy and invest in a company sometimes takes an outsider to bring in new insight (fresh gasoline). Motivational / Inspirational talks are enlightening and fun.





  • Clairaudient (Hearing what is inaudible),

  • Clairsentient (Clear feeling - sensations),

  • Clairvoyant (Clear vision to reach into another vibration - extrasensory),

  • Clairscent (Clear smelling beyond ordinary time and space)

  • Clairtangent (Clear touching - A knowing of an item's history),

  • Clairempath (Clear emotion of another's feelings past and present)


Mission Statement:
Each one of us is on a journey learning lessons for our soul evolution, some lessons are easy and some are not.  It is my position and divine purpose to assist you on your souls' journey.


Once participating in a lengthy 'How psychic are you test' found in the book titled Intuitive Guidebook written by Cyndi Dale, some 80 plus questions later, my score calculated at 344 out of 348 +/- YIKES!


Certified and registered as 'Professional Psychic' in the city of Salem Massachusetts.




For more information go to 'Services' page


Email interest on 'Contact' page



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