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The Story...

Once Upon A Time.. in the early months of 1956, I popped into this world called earth..  What a ride!  I very quickly realized things were different for me, watching my brothers, sisters and other family members and how they operated. I saw things. I knew things.  I assumed others had the same experiences to quickly learned they did not. 


I remember back around the age of 3 laying on my belly in the grass pulling grass blades apart to watch the cells inside the blades of grass continue to run up and down the blade, operating inside the grass with no interruption within the now pieces of grass in my left and right hands.  Yes, I saw plant cells flowing up and down the blade of grass.  Cells, round circles, happily moving up and down their designated path like watching red blood cells in a human vein.  I was so excited I remember trying to show other family members quickly learning, this was not to my advantage.  The cells journeys in the grass fascinated me so much I pulled grass apart for what seems like hours. Such awareness continues today.


School years were interesting.  Yes, a left shoe in a right shoe world.  My group of friends suddenly, and very quickly would runaway from me often when I spoke.  I finally asked, "Why do you all keep running away from me?" The answer stunned me, "Dawn, you read our minds". Who knew? 


Well, such many events made life interesting, to say the least.  I knew what others were feeling, thinking and what was going to happen.  Not an easy journey, especially growing up in an A-typical industrial age, blue collar household.


Life went on with stumbles and falls through many adventures and various careers shifts I developed much knowledge in several types of industries, such as: the food industry, retail industry, owner and developer of an on-line gift box company, jeweler/artist, real estate agent, owner of a certified woman-owned road crew construction company (with some 40+ employees) and operations manager for the largest and oldest state art organization in the country. 


All to serve me well in keeping me grounded, and one step ahead when the ground disintegrated from under my feet and life suddenly imploded.  Street smarts that proved vital to my very existence today.


I had been asleep, tricks and treachery live in our world, however, assured we are gifted with our own free will which always prevails through the darkest of darkness.  A tale for another time.


After many months of excruciatingly painful 2x4 Spirit hits, decades of questions could not be explained or excused, I finally saw the truth of my surroundings in a way unlike anything Stephen King could ever possibly imagine. 


Yes, Stephen King and I have stories.


At this same time I saw, clearly, I wasn't being true to my powerful gifts and my calling as a 'Seer' Guardian of the Hidden Truths. 


Everything I knew around me that was familiar was exposed like seeing through X-ray vision.  The ugly truth of the worse imaginable was exposed clear as crystal before my eyes.  And worse, treachery was discovered of those I trusted most.  I was fighting full force for what I thought was my family's 'Quality of Life', and the lives of those families for miles surrounding me.  Which, by the way, is the base law of our land.  One can not disturb another's Quality of Life in America, it is the foundation of our country, and the base of all law.


Like a mother bear .. there is not a stronger sound in the universe than the cry of a mother bear.  I was betrayed deeper than if I had been pushed into a lion's den.  A deep soul tearing only felt from a heart torn in half.


Devastated and heartbroken I dropped to my knees in the dirt, "Please don't show me any more.  I don't want to see this." I begged.  But the reply I received changed the course of my life forever. 


"Dawn, you are a Seer. It does not come filtered." The One replied.

No, it was no accident... 

After awhile I relented and said, "So that's what I am.."

"Yes!" The One replied.


The power of truth will always prevail. One by one Spirit Guides, visions and earth helpers appeared clearing away my muddy awareness and opening new doors to this whole new life.   


Four Great Masters appeared before me, scaring my socks off.  They were Stately and filled with power and wisdom.  I noted their clothing (Robes) were thread in gold. They wore hats though simple made of hand woven cloth.  Magnificent is the best single word.  The One spoke for all.


When I finally finished shaking and crying I realized they were sent to help me focus on more important issues than the tragedies I was discovering.  Sent with gifts of The Great Mayan Medicine Wheel and all its secret teachings.  They have been guiding me to the massive work of this amazing Mayan Medicine Wheel, teaching others Spirit connections through the biological cell development shown in the very tics of our heartbeats connecting these tics to each of the planets in our galaxy.  Teachings of how important our individual journey is in The Big Picture. 


"Take the vibrations and graft them out" I heard over and over from one of the Four Masters. This, of many grafts The Great Mayan Medicine Wheel holds, shows the human heartbeat as developed by the vibrations of each of the planets.  Then came clarity of the Sacred Geometry and the days of the week, the Ancestor Chakras, the formula for driving the operation of our carbon base, human crystalline system - more important, how we can easily change our operating system using this formula. All within the development of each, and every, cell in our human system. 


What do i do with all this? I asked.  "Tell others, Tell others"  The One said.


So, here we are and off we go on a wondrous galactic adventure understanding the creations of the human cells and our connections to our individual and collective influences developing our daily operations and future possibilities. 


Its truly a mind-blowing mind expansion of human operating system awareness.




To be continued...




Welcome Aboard, Pick Your Seat, Fasten Seat belts, and Hold onto Your Hat!



Mission Statement:

Each one of us is on a journey learning lessons for our soul evolution, some lessons and easy some are not.  It is my position and divine purpose to assist you on your souls' journey.


The Vision:

We are multi-dimensional beings, and have lost our ability to understand our natural world or the supernatural world that surrounds us.  I am here as Guardian Ambassador to help you understand who you really are and provide insight and clarity for your future development and daily living.



See The Best ~ Expect More!



"Expect Nothing Allow Everything" Damon Brand



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